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Independent Study Courses

K12 offers our families several affordable payment options, including the option to pay for courses in full at the time of purchase for maximum savings or to make convenient low monthly payments. We also offer a volume discount when six courses are purchased together, and a sibling discount for families with two or more enrolling children. If you have questions about our payment options, please contact us at 1.866.637.1985.

  • Pay Upfront

    Best Value


    Pay Once

    15% Savings !

    • 12 full months of course access
    • 15% savings from 12-Month plan
    • All additional children receive 10% off*
    • Buy up to 6 courses and SAVE
      up to 25% off each course*
    *Courses must begin on the same start date
  • 12-Month Plan


    Pay Monthly


    • 12 full months of course access
    • Flexible payments across 12 months
    • All additional children receive 10% off*
    • Buy up to 6 courses and SAVE
      up to 25% off each course*
    *Courses must begin on the same start date
  • Subscription


    Pay Monthly


    • 1 month of course access
    • Pay as you go
    • Cancel anytime

Courses start every two weeks for courses without a teacher as well as the world language courses with teacher support. Full-year courses last 12 months and semester courses last 6 months.

Bundle and Save*

Purchase multiple courses with the same start date and save:

  • 5% off two courses
  • 10% off three courses
  • 15% off four courses
  • 20% off five courses
  • 25% off six courses

*Prepaid independent study plans only, excludes World Languages, Embark, LearnBop, Noodleverse, materials and shipping.

Courses with Teacher Support

K12 also offers courses that are taught by teachers in K12 International Academy. Courses with a teacher have designated start dates throughout Fall and Spring. Full-year courses last 10 months and semester courses last 5 months. If you have questions about our payment options, please contact us at 1.866.637.1985.

Full Year Courses

$850 $950 All courses AP courses and Foreign Language Courses

Semester Courses*

$425 $475 High School courses AP courses and Foreign Language Courses
*semester courses are only available for high school

Some courses may require the purchase of materials for an additional fee. The price of materials will vary based on the course. For more information on material pricing, visit the product page of interest.

*Please note that K12 is not able to accept course enrollments from students located in the following countries: United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, Burma (Myanmar), Cuba, Iran, Sudan, Syria, Western Balkans, Belarus, North Korea, Democratic Republic of Congo and Iraq.


By requesting this information, you agree to have a K12 or school representative contact you directly at the number provided, whether by person or a device that will automatically dial your home or cell phone. Consent not required for purchases.

K12 Store

We have received your inquiry and you will start to receive additional information about our school offerings and programs. An enrollment consultant will contact you shortly.